My name is Zach, and I created these short narrative pieces as a part of Reese Hopper's Creative Consistency Challenge in early 2025. The goal was to create a small, achievable piece of art for fifteen days straight, so I chose to make short mini-episodes featuring mech pilots and their mechs.

I spent no more than an hour and no less than fifteen minutes on each episode. These are not meant to be highly polished, fully developed works. Instead, they showed me (and perhaps you) what is possible when you simplify things and just get out of your own head when trying to create.

Please enjoy these slapdash science fiction works featuring mechs, pilots, and a variety of situations desparate and otherwise.

Working on these pieces proved to myself that I am a creative, and can create with consistency. And even though these are simple, "just-get-it-done" pieces of art, they provided much enjoyment and even more practice for me in the craft of writing and producing audio narratives.

First Episodes

Play the Song

107C Armstrong and Ramirez




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